Friday, May 15, 2009

1 day post op

This morning Connor woke up at 6am really crying.
I gave him some nurofen and then a suppository at around 7:30.  It's now 11:30 as I type & he seems to be doing very well.  Full of mischief & naughty as ever.  The pain seems to be barable at the moment & he's really recovering well!  I am so pleased, it's really not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I have just put him down for his morning sleep and he seems really relaxed.  I will however keep up the pain meds for a few days, it's only fair!

On the massage side, i started my written exam yesterday & will hopefully get through section one by the end of this weekend.  I haven't gotten any clients in yet, but I am keeping the faith.  It will all come with good time.  I have managed to put posters and fliers up at quite a few places already, so I am very optimistic.
My sister Michelle has offered to fly Connor and I up to Jhb for a few days at the end of this month.  Frank is going on another fishing trip, so Michelle said she might come down to us with her boys, but it's a bit of a mission with school etc, so thought it would be easier for us to go there.  I asked the doc yesterday if it would be alright & he said it's not a problem at all.  It will be great to get the cousin's together again, so i might just take her up on her offer, but will keep you posted.
No real plans for the weekend yet, but will update on Monday.


  1. Will your sis lend you and C to me for a few hours if you guys come up!! This time no excuse!!!

  2. Oh, I'm so glad to read that Connor is doing well and surgery went okay! Also, way to go on getting your name out there and establishing a clinetele! :-) I am in desperate need of a massage so too bad the flights are too expensive from here to there... haha! I guess I'll have to settle on some place close. :-)

    How's baby making coming along???? :-)


  3. I'm hoping Connor is recovering well... I have awarded you an Awe-Summm award on my blog so stop by to pick it up! :-)


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